Varro[1] has given no other sign but this[2] for our guidance
in sowing the bean. Some persons are of opinion that it should
be sown at full moon, the lentil between the twenty-fifth and
thirtieth day of the moon, and the vetch on the same days of
the moon; and they assure us that if this is done they will be
exempt from the attacks of slugs. Some say, however, that
if wanted for fodder, they may be sown at these periods, but
if for seed, in the spring. There is another sign, more evident
still, supplied us by the marvellous foresight of Nature, with
reference to which we will give the words employed by Cicero[3]
"The lentisk, ever green and ever bent
Beneath its fruits, affords a threefold crop:
Thrice teeming, thrice it warns us when to plough."
One of the periods here alluded to, is the same that is now under consideration, being the appropriate time also for sowing flax and the poppy.[4] With reference to this last, Cato gives the following advice: "Burn, upon land where corn has been grown, the twigs and branches which are of no use to you, and when that is done, sow the poppy there." The wild poppy, which is of an utility that is quite marvellous, is boiled in honey as a remedy for diseases in the throat,[5] while the cultivated kind is a powerful narcotic. Thus much in reference to winter sowing.